Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Five Year Intermission


The last time I posted to this blog it was 2010. 2 years prior I'd have moved off of Myspace to be on Facebook. 2 years later I'll have been rejected for the second and third time from the University of Washington's myriad tech majors. In hindsight, one of these events I regret and the other I don't at all: Myspace was a lot more fun to play with than Facebook.

A lot has happened in five years but it also kinda feels like very little has happened too. When I was reflecting on the last post here and I feel like my writing style hasn't changed much. I'm still always trying to outsmart myself when I type words and I ramble on a lot without getting to much of a point. I guess if anything has changed it has been that I've lost a sense of wonder or self-confidence or a naiveté. If anything has changed within myself, it may be that I'm a lot more sensitive to the politics of my writing and trying to be real to myself.

I need to have a place to hold some writings that I make online. I'd like this to be that place once again.

Either way! The point of all of this is to just make a buffer post between the past and the future. I'm here again because of one thing and one thing only: "All's Fair In Love And Score" is still a good pun.

And in the end, that's what matters to me the most. Ain't gonna waste a good pun that's been collecting dust for five years, that's for sure!

Here's to the future!
Seattle's Solon


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